Kerstin Brandes

is an art historian and theorist.
Working in the transdisciplinary field of cultural gender studies, she is concerned with feminist art history, photographic history and theory, feminist and postcolonial theories, she has published and lectured on.

Currently she is completing her Ph.D. about the representation of gender and "racial" identity in contemporary art photography.

Latest publications:
Morimura / Dushamp: "Image Recycling and Parody", in: Judith Still (ed.), Men´s Bodies, Edinburgh, 2003.

"What you lookn at" – Fotografie und die Spuren des Spiegel(n)s, in: Susanne von Falkenhausen et al. (eds.), Medien der Kunst: Geschlecht, Metapher, Code. Beiträge der 7. Kunsthistorikerinnen-Tagung in Berlin 2002, Marburg 2004.

Related Lab(s): Virtual Minds. Congress of Fictitious Figures (2004)
Hand. Medium ¬ Körper ¬ Technik (2000/2002)
Serialität: Reihen und Netze (1999)

Related Publication(s): Virtual Minds. Congress of Fictitious Figures
Hand. Medium ¬ Körper ¬ Technik
Serialität. Reihen und Netze - CDROM