

en passant queer - (silent) movies (excerpts) 

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en passant queer - (silent) movies (excerpts) 

This october, In preparation for the current positions on Re Capitulating. queer, the thealit Frauen.Kultur.Labor. is showing various cinematic views of 'queer' avant la lettre in the showcase window of the Arbeitszimmer St.-Jürgen-Str. 157/159 Bremen: In the era of silent films at the beginning of the 20th century, gender orders and audience desires, as well as medical, psychological and cultural discourse, politics and censorship regulations were different than they are today. What 'queer' would mean a century later did not yet exist. Or did it? Perhaps as an implied, que(e)r representation of action and narration?

What will be shown on several evenings after dark, through the windowpane of the study, from the sidewalk, excerpts from international silent films and short films, invites you to recapitulate queer en passant. Because, as we formulated for the upcoming theme: “To recapitulate means to repeat something in a structured way... A recapitulation concerns [...] historical and political events, including predicted and planned futures”.

Friday, 11.10., from 19:30

Hamlet, De 1921, director: Svend Gade, Heinz Schall , with Asta Nielsen

Compression/Reversion Hamlet (2024) with footage from 'Hamlet' by Claudia Reiche

Friday 18.10., from 19:30

Gesetze der Liebe, Aus der Mappe eines Sexualforschers, De 1927, Director: Magnus Hirschfeld, Richard Oswald.

Friday 25.10., from 19:30

Short films:

The Boy Detective: or The Abductors Foiled, US 1908, director: Wallace Mc Cutcheon

Taming a Husband, US 1910, director: D. W. Griffith

Amour et Science, France 1912, director: M. J. Roche

NOVEMBER 2024- MÄRZ 2025

Re Capitulating. queer

Artistic and theoretical projects were invited to the Arbeitszimmer thealit in Bremen, for residencies as well as for short intermissions – presentations, performances, exhibitions and more – between the residencies. 

To recapitulate means to repeat something in a structured way, to organize point by point what may previously have been perceived as less or differently ordered and structured. A recapitulation not only concerns content and turning points of written and oral statements, but also historical and political events, including predicted and planned futures - again, as if what is recapitulated in this way has always been and been in this order. 

More infos comin soon


Unfortunately, we have to postpone the planned finissage presentation passed on, about things we have passed on from the ART OF EMERGENCY RESIDENCIES. Instead, we will find a way to make up for this in a slightly different form and at a different location and will invite you again soon. There are ideas, more on that soon ...

Feminist, fighter, cook, entrepreneur, who was a fixed star of friendship and will remain in our memory. 

Without her courageous heart and alert mind, there would be no Frauen.Kultur.Labor. thealit

What 'women' meant, was and could become was her question and a path she dreamed of far ahead...



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