M. Pelin Sen a.k.a. HYP3RV161L4N7

M. Pelin Sen a.k.a. HYP3RV161L4N7 is a queer, neuro-divergent emerging artist, researcher, designer and photographer currently based and working in Bremen, Germany. With a background in biology, literature, and design. They are currently pursuing a Master's degree in Digital Media at Hochschule für Künste Bremen.

Their works and research being a dynamic exploration of new media technologies intersecting with the analog, through installations and audio-visual compositions. Rooted in posthuman and queer theories, they challenge conventional notions of identity, existence, and difference.

Their ideas want to come to life as a dance between matter and meaning, inviting audiences to question the boundaries of reality and perception. They traverse the uncharted territories of consciousness and materiality, aiming to dismantle the established paradigm

Related Lab(s): The Art of Emergency (2022-2024)

Related Publication(s): COAPPARATION I, II, III