Archival Activism: Zanele Muholi & Dagmar Schultz in dialogue, 22.01.2013

thealit Frauen.Kultur.Labor. presents an evening with
Zanele Muholi and Dagmar Schultz.

Ort: Spedition, Belle Etage - 28195 Bremen

Archival Activism: representations of 'black' and 'queer'
Zanele Muholi and Dagmar Schultz in dialogue

With excerpts from the videos "Difficult Love" (Zanele Muholi, Peter Goldsmid / South Africa / 2011) and "Audre Lorde – The Berlin Years 1984 to 1992" (Dagmar Schultz with Ria Cheatom, Ika Hügel-Marshall, Aletta von Vietinghoff / Germany 2012). Zanele Muholi and Dagmar Schultz will address questions of how they stage and represent "black", "queer" and "difference" in their video and art/activist work. Both films center on society’s ways of dealing with difference - one focussing on the fight of black queer women (and LGBT people) against symbolic and physical violence - concerning lesbians in South Africa today under massive threats of being murdered (in the name of heteronormativity) - the other on Black Germans’ invisibility and its racist underpinnings. A different 'starting point' remains: One brings hate crimes to international knowledge the other cherishes a Black poet and activist. Do an 'accusing' and a 'loving' attitude affect the films' forms? How do the films address questions of archiving and resistance?

In solidarity with the South African Project Free Gender, a black lesbian organisation (and blog) based in Khayelitsha, a township in Cape Town. 
If you wish to support their work, make a donation using the bank account details (as published on the Freegender website).

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2018/2019: Debate! Performing Antagonisms - Part 2
2016/2017: DEBATTERIE! Antagonismen aufführen - Teil 1
Lesung Queer Story 27.01.2016
The Wildes - A Victorian Salon, 7.10.2015
Buchpräsentation ***quite queer*** 16.12.2014
Vortrag: Vom 'Freudenmädchen' zur 'Sexarbeit' - 02. Juni 2014
Lesung Queer Strory 28.11.2013
>Schutzraum< Lesegruppe - Juni-September 2013
Archival Activism: Zanele Muholi & Dagmar Schultz in dialogue, 22.01.2013
Lesung: Träume Digitaler Schläfer, Do. 10.05.2012
quite queer Lesegruppe, Juni 2011-September 2012
Szenische Lesung, 03.03.2011
Forschungsprojekte: Was ist Verrat?, 10.2010-01.2011
Lesegruppe "Was ist Verrat?" April 2010-Januar 2011
Buchpräsentation: Nervenkostüme, 20.02.2010
MARS PATENT - space for free, 04.12.2009-12.02.2010
Streikladen, 15.06.-20.07.2009